Going Inward Wellness

The most rewarding journey is inward.

Going Inward Wellness supports clients on their journey inward toward self actualization and healing. 

L O V E in C O L O R

POC Couples Workshop 

with Shesheena Bray & jean-jacques gabriel 

Saturday :: Feb 29th :: 12-2:30pm

$40 for a Couple, $50 day of.

Click Here to RSVP

Yoga  + Thai Massage   + Couples Work

Join us as we breathe and flow through an accessible and fun partner yoga sequence, and then give and receive Thai massage. Both practices help to build trust, to connect more fully, and to delight in deeper levels of intimacy. In addition, we will spend intentional time exploring what it means to love on purpose as people of color.  No experience necessary, bring a beloved or best friend.

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