Going Inward Wellness

The most rewarding journey is inward.

Going Inward Wellness supports clients on their journey inward toward self actualization and healing. 

I Came I Released I Reset III

Spring is here and there is winter weight to be shaken off. That’s why Adia Imani and I are teaming up to bring back the third installment of I Came I Released I Reset (ICIRIR). We had A LOT of fun in January moving our bodies and getting out of our comfort zones, plus we had much needed time to reflect and go inward.

For the third edition of ICIRIR, we will be focusing on releasing from toxic and broken relationships. Studies have shown that physical pain, like breaking a leg, registers in the same pain centers in the brain like a broken heart. This fact alone should give you pause to think about the weight of relationships in our lives. As social creatures, we need each other, but at times we also need to release from the pain we cause each other. You don’t have to carry that weight, and you don’t have to journey alone. Dance. Stretch. Reflect. Release.

Come release with us on purpose May 18, 2019, 1 PM - 4 PM. This event is open women and femmes of color, 18+;$25. Click here to register.

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