Going Inward Wellness

The most rewarding journey is inward.

Going Inward Wellness supports clients on their journey inward toward self actualization and healing. 

I Came I Released I Reset 2nd Edition

The first I Came I Released I Rest was so good Adia and I had to do it again.

Our bodies store our emotions, especially our more negative emotions. In order to process and release these emotional states it is necessary to engage the body.

Join Going Inward Wellness, LLC and dance choreographer Adia Imani, for an afternoon of movement medicine. Together, we will engage our bodies in movement to release on purpose. Participants will enjoy: dance fitness; meditation; deep stretching; and reflection. 

Start the new year right with other women of color in a safe and loving environment. Whether you are just starting your process, or looking for "that thing" to help you finally let go of that emotional burden, we are ready to meet you where you are at.

Who: POC self identified women; 21+
When: Saturday, January 19, 2019 12 PM - 4 PM
What to bring: All you will need is a water bottle and a light snack! Mats will be provided.




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